The greatest basketball player from the previou\s years is posing for his favourite team Phoenix Suns. You may see how good is the team of Phoenix suns by its last wins in the NBA play-offs. This is one very good wallpaper that can stay on your desktop or to your colegues desktops. That is your choice, but if you love Phoenix Suns, or Shaquille O'Neail, that is your wallpaper.
The callpaper of Shaq and POhoenix Suns is with resolution of 1200x900 pixles and has a size of 250 kB. It can be your with one simple actiopn. Just click with the right button of your mouse on the image and then select "Save Target As...".
1 comment:
Great collection of wallpapers!!!
I have saved many wallpapers from ur blog........thanks a lot!!!!!
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